The best thing google has come up with is mobile first indexing for more and more websites. Which sites fall under this category? The sites that follow all the norms and best practices of Google for mobile first indexing. The process has begun and is going on.

How will the web owners know that their sites have been migrated to this process of Google? Google has confirmed it that the news of mobile first indexing will be notified to the website owners in Google search console with a notification.

Let’s first know what is Mobile first indexing?

Mobile first indexing is exactly what it actually sounds like. You might know that websites nowadays are responsive and thus, Google has now decided to include them in index. It simply means that mobile version of your website will now be included in the index of Google. You may see an increased traffic to your website if you monitor crawlbot!

This means that your website needs to be mobile friendly to be included in the index. Take for an instance that your website is not mobile friendly! Though your content is SEO optimized but this can greatly affect the ranking of your website. A site which does not gives mobile friendly experience may hamper the ranking in Google. Not only this, Mobile friendly sites get a good boost in searches on Desktops too.

In mobile first indexing google will allow the search results and Google cached pages to show mobile friendly pages of the website. Google knows how to crawl through your site. This can prove advantageous for mobile friendly websites and will tempt business owners to create a mobile friendly website so that google indexes their website and ranks it well.

Why Google thought about Mobile first indexing?

There is a drift in users using desktops to mobile phones. People nowadays spend more of their time in mobile phones than on desktops. This made Google realize that they need to give importance to their primary users that is users using mobile phones.

Thus, now Google is focusing their indexing, crawling, and ranking mechanism for the mobile users. Mobile version of page will used for indexing so that mobile users easily find the things they are looking for.