Web development projects have evolved since years and is continuing to evolve each and every moment. With the world moving towards a socialization digitally, Web development has also gained name in evolving itself every year. Let’s see what it is bringing this year!

  • Capabilities to connect with many users : The need of hour is to connect with as many users as possible whether it’s orally or in written. In web development projects a new trend of Chatbots is coming in way. How can they be useful? The major cause of its invention is that users can connect to the website daily and on the other hand there will not be any need to maintain a customer service department. This was much needed because most of the users have similar questions regarding the website. The invention of Chatbots can eliminate the headache of customer service department! Moreover, customers will be given information on the topics they are looking for.
  • Mobile application interface through web apps : The use of smart phones have increased in recent years. People spend most of the time in exploring different mobile apps. Thus, mobile application interface is much needed. This year will be introducing the web apps that would take benefits of the configurations of Browse with a mobile interface. You might be wondering how it may help? This technological evolution will help you to work offline. We hope that these progressive web apps will be better than mobile apps and will be easier to develop for developers.
  • Better customer engagement : You might have seen the notifications flashing on your mobile phones whether it’s for updates or for providing information about the app. This may also be applied to websites! This technology will help interested users to gain information directly about the website without going onto it again and again. This way of providing information will obviously help in more customer engagement.
  • Going back towards a better technology : What we mean to say by going back towards a better technology is by using static website again by web development projects. What is a static website? It’s the simple HTML code at every page that displays the content to the visitors. Well, why to move backward in terms of technology? The reason behind it is very simple. We want a secure yet websites that take less time to load and these advantages are best provided by static websites. Well, it’s very inexpensive and in your budget too.
  • Evolvement of Flash to HTML5 : Flash allowed the developers to bring animations to next level but Flash is not compatible with the mobile phones. As the world is moving towards the mobile devices and depend on mobile phones for every information its better to replace it with something that work efficiently with mobile phones. Thus, HTML5 is now becoming the format on Internet !Let’s see what this year brings in technological evolution for web development projects. These trends may attract customers and make web projects ahead in the future.