What is content writing services? Anything that populates a particular space is content.
Why do we need content? Because space cannot be empty, especially when it is targeted at a specific audience who are looking for something.
Content writing includes writing content for blogs, websites, brochures, flyers etc. These could be in any topic and for any purpose. Content can be anything. It can be text, pictures, posters, polls and campaigns, videos, audios, podcasts etc. Each medium has a specific set of audience and purpose. Content must accommodate the requirements of each such constraint and behave in an optimum manner to get the best results.
There are two kinds of content :
- Promotional : This type of content aims to advertise or market a particular brand or a service offered by a company.
- Informational : Informational content hopes to educate the audience about a difficult term or concept in simple, layman’s terms. Many websites these days opt to have a repository of information to help users know what they want before deciding on the service they require.
Content must satisfy the requirements of the company or purpose.
Some common requirements that are asked of content writers are :
- Meeting deadlines. Content writers work amidst hectic deadlines.
- Keywords and SEO friendly content. Internet has mandated that things be recognizable by the search engines and ask the content to be appropriately tagged and worded.
- Create and edit the contents according to client’s requirements.
- Make the content engaging and immersive. Choose the type of content according to the target audience and the client requirement
Relevance and search-ability is of utmost importance for any content created. Also the depth and the structure of the content differ between what is asked for a print publication and for an online medium.
- For a print medium, the content is expected to be in depth since there is every chance that the reader takes his own sweet time to read the content thoroughly. Whereas, content written for online purposes need to be more engaging to hook the reader on to it. This is because readers on the internet take much lesser time to read and their attention span is lesser than a person reading a print document. Also, it is widely perceived that readers on the internet generally scan the page than actually reading it. They usually leave out the portions that are of no importance to them and move on easily when compared to the one holding a print document.
Companies that offer content writing services usually offer other services along with it like :
- Social media marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services and consulting
- Brand and image management
- Editorial services like proof reading, plagiarism check etc
- Fact checking and layout processing
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